Tax Preparation

Why should Allied Tax Planners do your taxes?

Tax preparation that saves you money

We have broad experience in individual, family, corporate, fiduciary, tax-exempt organizations, and more. We do it all! Our tax practitioners are licensed nationwide and current on tax law changes.

Because we defend our clients in audits, we know what the IRS are looking for. We can help you decrease your chances of an audit, and increase your chances of winning one, even when filing aggressively.

We are working year-round, so you can reach us for mid-year questions, planning for next year, problems with the IRS, etc. We don’t disappear during the off season, and unlike the software companies we don’t promise support and then never deliver!

Save Yourself Time and Money

How many nights does it take you to put together your tax return? How long does the research and calculations take? When you’re done, are you confident that there are no mistakes? If you got an IRS letter about your return, would you freak out?

How about having your tax return done in an hour or two, with guaranteed accuracy, e-filed quickly and paperlessly, and someone to support you in case of any IRS hassles?

Our tax professional know much more than just tax preparation! They can find ways to decrease your tax liability, give you business consulting, personal finance do’s and don’ts, financial planning, and much more.

Maximize Your Deductions

At Allied Tax, we take every deduction you are entitled to. Many tax preparers advise clients against taking certain deductions because they may increase the likelihood of an audit. They fear that if you get audited, you might blame them, and they could lose you as a client. Some don’t want to confront the IRS in an audit situation because they lack experience, or they’re scared that if they don’t win the audit, they will lose you as a client.

We feel that we are not doing our job if we don’t at least provide you with the choice for every deduction you are entitled to. Over the course of your life, if you aren’t taking all your deductions, you could be overpaying tens or hundreds of thousands of dollars in taxes!

Continued Support

After your return is done and filed, we continue to give our clients support year-round. We keep working all year and are continually accessible for questions, consultations, tax planning for the future, and especially if you receive any letters from the IRS. We guarantee our work for accuracy, but will make any necessary corrections for free, paying or reimbursing you for any fees or penalties incurred due to our mistake. Give us a call (925-248-6800) or contact us by e-mail to talk to one of our tax preparers about your tax situation.